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Thursday, 2 April 2015

This Bombing won't label you a TERRORIST

Tired of tolerating someone? Have that ‘Can’t stand anymore’ pest in your life? Want to accelerate your blood pumping by irking someone to hell? Don’t wait to visit then!

 Immediately send him/her a tonne of glitter packed into an envelope at his address, which will explode in a colorful array of sparkles and ruin his day (Woohoo!). The amount of glitter will be so hefty that they'll be finding that shit everywhere for weeks. If you want, you can also get a note included telling the person exactly why they're receiving this terrible gift (And this note ensures maximum spillage; another wow! :-D).

P.S.-It does not cause bodily harm.

The site went viral on Twitter & Reddit immediately after its launch, and was covered by the likes of, Fast Companythe TelegraphHuffington Post & TechCrunch. 

And then came the super shot.  After claiming six figures worth of orders and more than a million page views, the founder begged users to stop inundating him with requests and put the whole thing up for auction, where it netted $85,000. 

You didn’t know it; did you? He fooled everyone! First he fooled us into spending on glitter, then he fooled media into covering his website. The whole thing was absolutely brilliant from top to bottom.

The new owner has turned it into a legitimate glitter-shipping company. Many similar websites have also come up.